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What is the sourcing of ingredients?Our sister company, Thion Global, has access to thousands/millions of ingredients which is where we will get them. They have 13 years experience so they know where to find what is needed.
What does the product consist of?Natural ingredients (obviously, more specific for each brand).
How do we know the formula works?We can do a small trial run first and if changes need to be made along the way we can do that as long as it meets FDA’s requirements.
What is the overall cost?The cost depends on ingredients, testing, components and extra services needed to put the brand together. A bid will be presented to you once all that is determined with a cost per bottle price.
How many base units?MOQs for hard shell capsules are 200,000 capsules, powders 500 Kg, softgels and stick packs 500,000.
How many max units?We can produce as many orders as you need. However, our daily limit is 1,000 bottles a day.
How long from beginning to end?Approximately 2-3 months if all components and ingredients are available. Lead times may apply.
Does anyone oversee the safety of the ingredients that go into the brand?Yes. Our technical director will approve or suggest alternatives if the ingredients are not safe.
Who helps with formulaton?We have over 50 formulators to help create your brand.
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