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  • What is the sourcing of ingredients?
    Our sister company, Thion Global, has access to thousands/millions of ingredients which is where we will get them. They have 13 years experience so they know where to find what is needed.
  • What does the product consist of?
    Natural ingredients (obviously, more specific for each brand).
  • How do we know the formula works?
    We can do a small trial run first and if changes need to be made along the way we can do that as long as it meets FDA’s requirements.
  • What is the overall cost?
    The cost depends on ingredients, testing, components and extra services needed to put the brand together. A bid will be presented to you once all that is determined with a cost per bottle price.
  • How many base units?
    MOQs for hard shell capsules are 200,000 capsules, powders 500 Kg, softgels and stick packs 500,000.
  • How many max units?
    We can produce as many orders as you need. However, our daily limit is 1,000 bottles a day.
  • How long from beginning to end?
    Approximately 2-3 months if all components and ingredients are available. Lead times may apply.
  • Does anyone oversee the safety of the ingredients that go into the brand?
    Yes. Our technical director will approve or suggest alternatives if the ingredients are not safe.
  • Who helps with formulaton?
    We have over 50 formulators to help create your brand.
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